Just installed it quickly Smooth Simple, easy Nice Feature is the fact that it has themes based on the country you live in. The new grouping on the bottom will take some getting use to, and I'm sure the old Farts and Fogey's will hate it cause its different. Luckily I got used to it in Beta. Only needed to find 3 drivers. The 800Mb Memory footprint is a consideration, but with the price of memory so cheap, 4 gig should be no problem
Yip using it now, pretty cool so far. Set the taskbar to show text next to the icons until it runs out of space and it's fine... Little bit slow at times because this laptop only has 1gb ram.
HI I am running the windows 7 Ultimate 64bit version and I have to say my PC is running 100% no problems this far.... just need to check if all the games work
lol, microsloth, i like that... i'll stick to my linux os thanks... most of win7 eye candy has been borrowed from mac, kde and gnome projects anyways... running 4 workspaces, a vid playing on one, firefox on this one, blender on another and word on the 4th, just for reading sake, and the memory footprint is 580meg ram and 7 meg swap... running jaunty 9.4... and using the opengl window decorations etc from compiz fusion
don't you mean rm -rf ~/* ? right, i'll do that right after i delete the system32 file in my win partition as well....
yes, but it will have no say while running *nix... and you can initiate it in windows, there are quite a few dumbarse progs you'll find on some poor ouke's desktop that says run or run me or such, that contains stupid dos prompts to delete system files btw for any noob reading the above command, spare everyone a headache and dont run it, for goodnesssake... it deletes the root directory, but luckily only if run as the superuser, most distros will hopefully return the message that the command is not allowed without sudo... rm = remove -f = all files without prompting -r = repeat, keep going till only the / dir is left / = root dir, its like c:\ yeah you can do it without the ~, then you only delete your own home dir.. ....jealousy makes you nasty....
More like c: d: and whatever else you may have I've tried it before, didn't work. Deletes enough to break everything but dies when it tries to remove things like /dev etc.
Krappy Koala comes out on Friday. LPI is the similar/equivelant of an MSCE in Microsoft. http://www.lpi.org/
ah, certification stuff, cool. nah, i havent had any classes, just switched to one of the many free os, since windoze is so flippin expensive and then you pay for buggy, virus prone software that is never really secure. at least now, if i have problems, i didn't pay for the software so i dont feel i lost money, and the community bug tracks have updates almost daily so i'm happy with what i get, and if i complain, it gets fixed speedily. an engineering buddy of mine started win7 though, said its good, or at least a millenium->xp type difference between suck factors we'll see if it proves itself. so like gavin said, @ ubuntu 9.10 - the final release is only on the 29th...