Hallo, I have come across a really big bargain. I can buy a 650 Litre (450h X 350w) almost new tank for R600. Only the tank. 1)What size pump will be needed or can I use a few smaller pumps? 2)Will I need to buy more than one heater?
I've always believed that you cycle your tank once every hour, therefore you would run a 650 - 700l/hr pump. just my 5c worth.....
For optimum results I suggest you get a canister filter with a minimum of 1000lt/hr output. If you are getting an additional pump, the output should depend on the type of fish you are willing to keep
Thank you all, Thanks Asgar, I am planning to make it a planted tank with some fish that will hopefully grow big. I have seen some really nice fishes that I am interested in. But will do some needed home work to see what fishes I will be able to put together. And also lots of plants. And some rocks. Definately some clown Loaches and Plecos, I like Discus fish and one of those long silver fishes that can grow about 102 cm, and and and.................. but yes still lots of home work to do...... Maybe some ideas?
Hey Stripes - if the long silver job you are thinking of is an Arrowana then get BIG fish else all you gonna end up with is one well fed Arrowana