Weekly Tip - Attention all RO users !

Discussion in 'Dorry Pets' started by Dorry Pets, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. Dorry Pets

    Dorry Pets

    Feb 26, 2014
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    Do You use RO water in your tropical tank ?

    Did you know that fish who live in high mineral content water can suffer from Osmotic Stress or Shock if you use RO water ?

    This occurs because your RO water has been stripped of all its important Minerals that your fish and plants need.

    Seachem has two amazing products to help you get all those minerals back in to your system.

    Equilibrium and Replenish

    Equilibrium is the Mineral supplement specifically for your plants and Replenish stays true to its name by providing the Minerals for your livestock.

    Dorry Pets Stocks both products so on your next visit chat to one of our Salesmen about its qualities !
    equilibrium.jpg replenish.jpg
  2. Guest

  3. Discusnut


    Jan 11, 2017
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    Is there not also a seachem discus trace that's similar?

    Sent from my Halona using Tapatalk
  4. OP
    Dorry Pets

    Dorry Pets

    Feb 26, 2014
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    The Product Discus Trace contains all the trace elements which your Discus need to flourish. It will definitely improve your system if running on RO water how ever Replenish and Scape offer minerals for a wide variety of Tropical Communities making it a go to for Community tanks or Compatible different specie tanks.

    Thanks for the Input :)


    Dorry Pets Team

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