Water PH/dead fish

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Zoom, May 26, 2009.

  1. Zoom

    Zoom Retired Moderator

    Apr 13, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Jhb- Fourways
    Hey all,

    I have recently had the dreaded issue of 6 fish die on me over the last 6 days.

    Female Guppy (I believe she was trying to give birth, and got blocked, causing her death)
    Zebra Danio (Unknown causes)
    Female Betta (Shredded and distroyed by the male Betta)
    Angel (Unknown causes)
    Male Betta (I think he didn't like the introduction of 3 Swordtails, and suffered shock)
    1 Neon (Unknow cause)

    All the fish seem healthy and strong, and are eating as usual, except the Neons that are in permanent hiding (See previous "neon" thread).

    My chemical stats are as follows
    Ammonia= 0ppm
    Nitrite= 0ppm
    Nitrate = 0-5ppm
    pH = 7.6.

    I innitially thought that the pH might be the problem, as ideally I'd like to be at 7.0, but from other threads I've read, pH isn't too problematic as long as it isn't extremely high or low, and not changing rapidly.

    When I first started keeping fish, I use to use a product called pH proper 7.0 which stabalizes the water at 7.0. But now that I have live plants, I am not using it, because it's a 'phosphorous buffer' and not good to use with planted aquariums. Is there anything I can use that will bring the pH back to about 7.0? My tap water varies between 7.2 to 7.6, hence my tank being 7.6 currently.

    Could the pH be a problem causing the sudden deaths?

    I've heard stories that bright colour fish in a tank could scare other fish. Could the introduction of the 3 orange Swords have contributed to the Betta and Neon?

    Don't want anymore dying on me from MY ignorance...
  2. Guest

  3. Philfarm


    Sep 30, 2008
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    cape town
    Hey man are you quarantining the new fish before adding them to the tank? otherwise just think of all the new pathogens you are adding with them that your older fish have never been exposed to/ have no immunity to! if you cant see the cause and your nitrate levels are accurate it is most likely a bacterial infection that you are going to have to treat even if your remaining fish survive...

    The Ph is not the problem the fish you mentioned are not that sensitive besides it is usually the fluctuations that kill the fish. Oh and it is defiantly not the bright colored fish :)

    You mentioned plants why not add some Co2 this will naturally lower your PH and buffer your water... also just some general comments make sure you keep up with regular/frequent water changes until your plant growth can significantly absorb all the nasties in that build up in the tank and dont overfeed your fish...

    good luck man,
  4. OP

    Zoom Retired Moderator

    Apr 13, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Jhb- Fourways
    Thanks Eskimo,

    I don't quarantee the fish. I stay in a small flat, and to have a second tank set up just for quarantee is a little bit difficult to find the space.

    Could I set up a quarantee tank using filter media and water from existing tank and quarantee the fish that same day in that tank? Could I leave substrate out of this tank and just have basics (Airstone, filter and heater)? How long should I quarantee, and should I be adding anything into the water for the quaranteed tank?

    Or do Ihave to have the quarantee tank set up cycling permanently?
  5. veegal


    Apr 1, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Cape Town
    A quarantine tank is usually set up without substrate or carbon just in case you find that you have to medicate. Quarantine period is usually 2 weeks, although some extend this time to 4 weeks. I read up on a good suggestion recently....the guy adds clean water to his quarantine tank and slowly over a period of a week or so, adds water from the tank where he wants to move the fish into. This allows the new fish to slowly get used to the water parameters in the soon to be home as well as allowing them to build up resistance to any new bacteria etc which exists in the tank they will be moved to.
    What we usually do is run a sponge filter in one of our other tanks and move it to the quarantine tank when needed, this ensures that you always have a filter 'primed' with bacteria etc.
  6. Fish Fantasy

    Fish Fantasy

    May 27, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Jhb Edenvale
    Hi Zoom! Just to add to Veegals comments, make sure you are not using air sprays, deoderants,smoking etc in the area of the tank because the particals float and settle on top of the water and you won't be able to test for them. Make sure you wash your hands thoughly before you put your hands in the tank and try and keep your hands out of the tank as much as possible. Also you're right about the PH it's not necessary to have the PH at 7.0 My fish live in a ph of 8.0 and above and they have adapted to that PH really well I don't use PH up or Down at all. PH doesn't kill your fish if reduced slowly to avoid PH shock, the toxins in the water do.
  7. OP

    Zoom Retired Moderator

    Apr 13, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Jhb- Fourways
    Thanks Fish Fantasy,

    I do generally follow all that advice. I have a sneaking suspicion that my tank got infected from a LPS. I don't quarantee, (as the space for a second tank is VERY limited in my flat), and the fish started dying after I introduced the female Betta from my local LPS.

    Chatting to a lot of people, this particular LPS hasn't got the greatest name with regards to their livestock. (Their equipment is fantastically priced, and their plants come from someone who specifically grows them for this particular LPS.) But I've heard that people EXPECT 50% of their fish to die if it comes from this particular LPS. I was shockd when I heard this, and nearly threw a tantrum when someone else confirmed it for me.

    What I have done is everytime a fish has died on me, regardless of how big or small the fish was, I did a 40% - 50% water change immedietely. The tank seems to have settled down now, so no fatalaties for 3 days.

    Still holding thumbs.
  8. Fish Fantasy

    Fish Fantasy

    May 27, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Jhb Edenvale
    Hi Zoom! :smile1: An LPS infection might be your problem it's very common these days with the LPS's, they are not very diligent when it comes to the health of the fish, i know your place is limited for space, (just like mine:blink1:) but the best thing you could do is get a quaranteen tank even if it's only big enough to fit a small small heater, a little sponge filter and pump, since i got my very small quaranteen tank i haven't lost any fish, apart from the bala shark that jumped out the hole in the lid (thought he was super fish!!! and turned into fish biltong instead:sick:) but anyway. I put my quaranteen tank in the furtherest corner of my kitchen and when i'm done with it i shut it down and pack it away. I bought my little tank from Pet Masters in boksburg and haven't looked back.
  9. Zafgak

    Zafgak Old fart

    Apr 8, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Cape Town
    Hey Zoom a good QT tank is one of those 200x100x100 tanks at the LFS about R25
    A heater and a small sponge filter.. Total about R100 and takes no space at all..
  10. Fish Fantasy

    Fish Fantasy

    May 27, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Jhb Edenvale
    Thanks Zafgak! I couldn't remember the dimensions! Brilliant!!!!!

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