Unusual food - Good or Bad

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by KiazerG, Feb 17, 2010.

  1. KiazerG

    KiazerG Sailfin Molly

    Dec 22, 2009
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    I just wanted to clarify if this is good or bad:

    I have a Peacock Siamese Eel in my one tank who is quite a fussy eater (as most eels are)... he takes bloodworm but not with much enthusiasum. I then thought why not try mince that I had in my freezer, I proceeded to defrost this and drop it in and wow he attack it like it was alive....

    I now feed him bloodworm and mince and he sometimes takes the larger frozen brine shrimp. The Q: is mince okay? I gave a couple pieces to my Apistos and they too love the stuff as does my female betta (who also eats flying ants and crickets).

    So is mince okay? alternative options if not (read alot about ox heart or something along those lines?)
  2. Guest

  3. Gareth

    Gareth Angel Freak

    Aug 6, 2009
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    I would not feed them mince due to the fat content that it has if you really want to try and feed them "meat" why not try liver just ask the butcher to remove any fat that is attached to it. Ox heart is good but it also has to much fat in it. I feed liver in my Predator tank and they love it
  4. OP

    KiazerG Sailfin Molly

    Dec 22, 2009
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    Thanks for the reply Gareth... what is the issue with the fat? does there digestive systems battle with large quantities?

    Liver sounds like a good idea, could I also use fish e.g. defrost and feed plain hake?
  5. Gareth

    Gareth Angel Freak

    Aug 6, 2009
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    As far as I know the fish can't digest fat at all but I might be wrong and it does cause internal problems with the fish. as for using fish fillets I am not sure but I have for a recipe that the use to make discus food and it had hake in it so I can't think that it can be bad for them and on the other hand they do eat smaller fish so I can't think it will be a problem to feed them that but you will have to checkif there is any added things to keep the fish fresh for longer because that might be bad for your fish so I would stay with fresh fish then.
    Hope this makes sense.
  6. Henk Hugo

    Henk Hugo

    Sep 5, 2008
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    Cape Town
    Yes you can feed him defrosted fish and lamb liver. mate of mine used to have a fully grown adult fire eel - amazing thing

    He used to buy a few livers as a time - cut them into small slivers and wrap them one by one in clingwrap. Then he would feed this beast two slivers a day...

    Until he went away on holiday a mate looked after the fish - did this party trick 10 times in one night for some friends he had over, tank couldnt handle all the waste and fish died due to amomonia poisoning..... very sad

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