Bought A "Crystal Glass Tube AquaH20" thermostat yesterday from Northern Aquatics ( R85 ) Whats the deal with "crystal glass"? They Also had Jager thermostats for R233... I have heard many people agree that Jager is a quality brand, but I'm sorry R233 for a heater is just too much. When I asked for a cash discount he would only give R10 off the Jager...:amazed: So is a heater....REALLY a heater...? And what kind of reputation does AquaH20 have with regard to quality and price?
Jager will outlast 6 (if not more) aqua H2O heaters. I'm not going to go into too much detail on the heaters, but basically if a 'cheaper' heater packs up in the "on" position, it will stay on, and the heater will work like a kettle element. It will boil the tank, and possibly, depending on the quality of your tank, and how long it boils, could crack your glass etc etc. The Jager heater has a fail safe system where IF the heater packs up, it will automatically turn off.
What wattage was the heater you bought and the Jager heater wattage? Jager is FAR superior to any other heater out there - I used to think the same 'why pay so much for a heater when I can get three heaters for the same price' - then I saw the light and now it's Jager all the way for me. In fact, we are slowly replacing all our 'el-cheepo' heaters with Jagers. Rather safe than sorry!
It was a jager 150w used for up to 200L...The AquaH20 is a 200w for up to 200L. Was looking for a heater for my NEW Jebo R362 (108.8L)
R233 for a 150W Jager is really not that bad. I don't get why you'd spend the amount of money you did on the Jebo but not on a heater? The heater is more important than the tank isn't it?????
Shame on you Kribs LOL... You spend so much on your tank, and then you skimp on your heater.... Go now and go buy that Jager, you wont be sorry promise
Just hope you dont learn the hard way Kribs.... Think of it this way...... How much did you save on the el cheapo??? Is it more than the value of the fish you might loose if the heater cooks your fishies???
Aaaa, a lot of people don't really worry, know or calculate what the fishies are worth thats swimming in their tanks....
LoL Kribs. Take the heater back and ask them to swop it out for the Jager and pay the difference. You could even get the 100W Jager (heats 100-150 Liters) and pay less! hehehehe