I do.It is cheaper,You can decide on size and shape,and best of all the satisfaction factor is immense.
If you a hands on person and like getting your hands dirty – go for it Tip 2 Start of with a small <60l tank
lol ok thanks, sounds good. Could tip 5 be about the thickness of the glass for a 60l? Or about sealant?
you right ferryman but why I say 6mm is because you tend to bump your tank when you clean it and the 4mm glass cracks way to easy, a 6mm tank can take some knocks before it cracks. my opinion any way.
Tip 6.Make 100% sure the glass is good no scratches, chips, cracks... 7.Sand the joining edges of the glass – my preference. 8.Ensure smooth even (no bubbles) silicone lines on all joins. Easier said than done when using the small Bostick tubes. If you making more than 1 tank rather buy the big tubes and gun. 9.Try not to smudge the glass too much. keep a cleaning rag close by. 10.Don't forget to stick the Styrofoam to the bottom. 11.Research, research and more research. Use the internet, books etc. when comfortable start.
I wanted to build a tank but decided not to. I did some research and got lots of tips from people on this forum. I remember reading somewhere that you should tape the area close to the corner of the glass where you don’t want the silicone to go and if it does go over the tape it makes it easy to tape. I use tape when I’m doing repairs to tanks. I also work over newspaper. I find that once the silicone is dry it does not stick to the tape or newspaper or cardboard. This makes it very easy to clean. My experience is with bostic marine silicone. edit : http://www.tropicalaquarium.co.za/showthread.php?t=1709
And tip number 12: DON'T USE MARINE SILICONE I say this because ordinary silicone contains chemicals that leach out and taint your water and harm your fish! Tip number 13: USE AQUARIUM SAFE SILICONE Den Braven makes it, and it's got pictures of fish on the tube. It should be R60 from Builders Warehouse for a normal size tube that goes in a caulking gun. It's water based and has no harmful chemicals. And you get small toothpaste type tubes at a few select pet shops, it's a grey tube with blue text on it.
Ok, look for silicone with pictures of fish on it. Will start scouting in early december, I'm writing exams at the moment... :evil:
As far as I know most if not all MARINE SILICONE are safe to use in a aquariam with out any problems.