Anyone know what exactly this is? Friend is giving it away, and I just want specifics before taking it.
It looks like a female Red Zebra / Esther Grant's Zebra (Pseudotropheus Estherae). I am looking for a female, so if you dont want it, I could possibly make a plan to relieve you of it.....
It's a cross breed between a carelius and what ever is the tank. I've also got those. I also have a malawis that have cross breed with spots. Laws of nature.
Lekker, just wanted to confirm it's a Malawi etc etc, and that it's not going to grow exponentially and require a massive tank.
If you find a true estherae male and it breeds with your female, the babies come out in 2 diff coulours. Males more of a blueish dull colour and the females stay orange.