Setting up a new live bearer tank from scratch

Discussion in 'Beginner Discussions' started by PappaBear, Jul 13, 2021.

  1. PappaBear


    Nov 23, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Hi guys

    I haven't had a tank in ages. Starting again soon, but wanna get a small tank going for the kids so long. As basic as they come, sponge filter and heater.
    I will do regular water changes and stock light.
    Question: how do you know when your tank start to cycle?
  2. Guest

  3. Featherfin


    May 18, 2021
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    Western Cape
    Great. That’s so fun. Are you going to plant the tank? You will need a test kit or a reliable LFS to test it for you. If you do a Fishless Cycle (Recommended) and use a product like Stability in an unplanted tank and pop a pinch of fishfood into it each day or so so the bacteria have something to feed off. If your tank is planted it will also help to cycle the tank a little faster and when you see any algae or other growth then that is a good sign.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Shabir likes this.

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