New planted community tank

Discussion in 'Community Tanks' started by Freaksa, Feb 16, 2010.

  1. Freaksa

    Freaksa Amature Plant"ist"

    Aug 25, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Port Elizabeth
    Hi all,

    I finally have gotten around to planting my tank (doesnt look that great to me), but i will let it grow out before making any changes as i need to see what is going to grow how fast etc because i have no experience with plants before. I will post some photos later on.

    Now for the community part.

    2 x Kribensis (1male , 1 female)
    1 x Chineese algea eater (cant get rid of him he was one of my 1st fish and the only one still alive)
    6 x Tiger barbs
    6 x Harequins

    1) Will these fish go together? If i need to trade in a couple that is fine with me as i want my tank to be functional, i want it to have life. Can some people recommend some fish that are entertaining?
    2) My Male Kribensis has made a upsidedown pothole his house and even closed in the opening a bit by spitting some sand into a hill in the front of his house ( he now has to swim in sideways). The only problem is the female(the guy a the LFS said its female and its fin shapes agree) lives on the otherside of the tank and the male goes there and chases her around the tank, is this normal?
    3) Please recommend some fish to add some colour and life my tank is 100liters!

  2. Guest

  3. OP

    Freaksa Amature Plant"ist"

    Aug 25, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Port Elizabeth
    No-one able to suggest anything? :(
  4. Steve CT

    Steve CT

    Feb 1, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Edgemead, Cape Town
    I wish I could offer some advice, but I am just as much in the dark as you are. Hopefully one of the "old hands" can give some advice.
  5. Gareth

    Gareth Angel Freak

    Aug 6, 2009
    Likes Received:
    As far as kribs go yes that is normal it happened in my tank as well and now I have a few fry swimming around.

    I would try and get rid of the Tiger barbs they are known fin nippers. try foe a few cories an di few more Harequins. you could also go for something it the tetra family most of them school very nicely and look awesome.

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