Moving Out... and So are my Fish

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by KiazerG, Feb 19, 2010.

  1. KiazerG

    KiazerG Sailfin Molly

    Dec 22, 2009
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    Well the time has come to leave the nest and fly on my own.... unfortunately this means moving my fish out as well.

    I currently have 3 x 3ft tanks with the following fish in them:

    6 x Sailfin Mollies
    5 x Sunset Platies
    2 x Show Guppies
    1 x Kribensis
    4 x Apistogramma cacatuoides
    1 x Leopard Sailfin Pleco
    1 x Whiptail Pleco
    1 x Peacock Spiny Eel
    1 x Female Betta

    I will be relocating my Leopard PLeco and Eel to a 1.5m tank.

    I've got hold of 3 x 5l drums and a 20lt Drum for transport which I will house them (1-2 days MAX) in until the tanks have been setup properly.

    Okay now for Q: How should I transport these guys so that I dont stress them out to much and end up killing them. I really am concerned that I will have deaths especially with my Apistogramma cacatuoides which are my pride and joy.

    Any tips or advice appreciated.
  2. Guest

  3. Gareth

    Gareth Angel Freak

    Aug 6, 2009
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    Bes is to make sure the container is dark and you can add oxygen tablets for the transport and if you want some anti stress it works great..... depending how far you are moving will depend on if you will need tablets or not and as soon as you get to the new place put in an small power head or sponge filter to circulate the water then they should be fine. I have done this a lot of time and I have had no losses.

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