I got this Spiny Eel a few weeks ago. It usually hides in the gravel with just the top of its head poking out. (appologies for poor quality photo) But I fed some bloodworm to the other fish last night, so it came out to get some too. Although fine sand would probably be better, the gravel is round, and is not really abbrasive.
@SalmonAfrica, It must be about 15cm There is a fish shop about 1/2 hour away from me that gets the most amazing fish. Wierd and rare oddballs, rare catfish, rare Plecs, rare cichlids.
... aaaaand you're now just doing that to make us jealous You don't happen to have any experience with any other spiny eels? Is is similar with regards to care, or is it quite different to keep? I'd get one anyway! I'm yet to have tried any of the African species, and I loved my experiences with M. circumcintus - such pets!
@SalmonAfrica, This is the first Spiney Eel i have kept. It stays buried in the sand most of the time. Days go by when I don't even see it. Other times just the tip of the head. It must be eating as i have had it for about 2 months. This is the first time I have seen it out and about.
Hmm... Sounds pretty typical for them, at least at first. Some people have success with hand feeding their eels, others not so much. Mine became less and less 'shy', but never fed from my hand. They didn't mind my hand in the tank, though. I've seen pictures of certain species being quite social. Would you consider getting more? PS: sorry about all the questions - I just love eels of all types! This guy is really interesting!
@SalmonAfrica, I also have a small Fire Eel It is out and about all the time The fish shop only had 1 loenn. I have seen some fish shops advertise Tanganyikan Eels. But they are really expensive - About £50
they realy are awesome we had a half banded african spiney eel and it was stunning it died last week wedness day they are the most gentle eels ever they love the riverstones ours never burrowd till we put riverstones in they will take food from your hand so hold the bloodworms right above him about halfway into the water @Reedfish