Is there anyone who's got livingstonii's and tell me if you have breeding pairs the reason I am asking is I got 3 of them and it seems like I got 1 male and 2 females the suspected male is turning blue almost his hole body but the other 2 stays the same colour their sizes is male 5-7 cm and suspected females 3-5 Are they ready to breed or to small
These are those fish that grow to be absolutely massive? The ones I got rid of in my Malawi tank because they would murder everything else eventually?
That is true but they look so AWESOME!!! How big do you think they will grow in a 2m x 600 x800 tank?
I hope I dont have the "kat by die g@t beet nie" but I think my female is holding, she is not eating and she is on her own most of the time is this a sign
My female is holding and I want to know how long do they take to breed out and when can or should I milk her
to milk a fish means you take the female out the tank and put her into a holding tank and you "force" her moth open so that she will release the fry that she keeps in her mouth.
ah, okay, by force, you mean through the condition of leaving her alone in a holding tank, or does one squeeze the poor thing?