Anyone have them? My pair had the first batch of fry in september. The young are just beginning to resemble the adults now. I've got abt 30-40 of them. Its really great watching them grow but they are still only about 1cm in size.
I had not seen my Kribs for a while. So last night did tank recci. Last night i saw that they were guarding some wrigglies. Not sure ere they spawned as there is no cave. It is a planted tank and there is lots of places to hide. Hopefully some will survive. Not holding my breath. I have 3 whiptail catfish., 2 corys, 3 algae eaters. a moonlight gourami 2 rams, 20 odd neons and 3 kilifish. With that kind of population the Competition/survival will be a a premium. But ever hopeful. My first spawn since i started planted tank.
Hi Risen - We have a spawn that is now 2 weeks old and growing by the day - problem is most of the spawn was eaten by Males before we knew it was there
The babies are MASTERS at blending into the substrate and laying absolutely still, so don't give up hope yet Ross The only reason the males got to the babies was because they ganged up on the mother and hid behind a rock and attached the babies as they came out of their cave. We only have about 17 babies left and they should be okay now that we've removed all the other fish.
Our first batch is now almost 6 weeks old. Second batch from different parents are on their second day of free-swimming. The first lot of parents have now got wrigglers again so we now have three batches at various stages. I'll try get some pictures of them and post. I saw Risen yesterday and if I remember correctly he said that his lot are also surviving in the community tank as the parents are chasing anything that comes too close
That's awesome! I bought 4 (2 males 2 females) on Saturday, and about two hours after they were in my tank they started (hopefully) pairing off - I say this 'cos the bigger female was constantly "dancing" in front of the bigger male (same with the smaller male and female). The females' bellies are a very bright red and thw two pairs have kind of demarcated a territory for themselves.
I'm also convinced. I'm feeding them lots of frozen bloodworms, finely chopped frozen ox heart and live earthworms to condition them for breeding. I'll do a 50% water change over the weekend and lower the temp slightly and keep it like that for a week, then another 50% water change and increase the temp to 28*C - that should trigger them to spawn. By that time the AJ babies will be 3 weeks old and there will probably be only a couple of them left so the mom would be calmer.
I got a wild core pair and got 9 purple kribs yesterday all still young cant wait till they are a bit bigger
+-3 weeks after the above photo was taken ... just spotted a new batch of fry today ... took action and divided the tank in half. Maybe I'll have some survivors this time round.