Keeping dwarf cichlids?

Discussion in 'Beginner Discussions' started by Kat, Dec 3, 2009.

  1. Kat


    Nov 24, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Port Elizabeth
    Hey all,
    I want to know how difficult it is to keep dwarf cichlids? What do I need in my tank for them? I currently have 6 goldfish and 1 corydora and 2 ghost shrimp in a 100litre tank- what changes would I need to make if I wanted to get rid of my goldfish and get cichlids. How many are okay for my tank size, do they need a heater or any other special requirements? How many dwarf cichlids can live together etc? and will they be okay with my corydora and the shrimp?
  2. Guest

  3. Big G

    Big G Apisto Nutz!!!

    Oct 30, 2008
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    Cape Town
    Firstly, they do need heat. I think its around the 25-28 degree mark, but thats jsut off the top of my head!

    Secondly, Males generally don't like sharing with other males unless the tank is very big and has lots of hiding places where territories can be staked out. Some Apistogramma species like to have one female, where as others like to have a 'Harem' of females.

    Just decide which species you like the most, and then use google to find out as much info as you can.

    Generally, they are fine with other fish as long as the other fish are not too aggresive or boistrous? The only other issue you then have is if you get any eggs from the Apisto pairs, the other inhabitants can and usually do gobble them up!

    Oh, And they like to live and breed in caves or little nooks, so its best to provide some form of shelter!

    Big G!
  4. Sean J

    Sean J

    Jan 12, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Randburg JHB
    What Big G says is correct, but I don't keep mine at such high temps. Mine are fine between 24 - 26 degrees. My PH is about 6 - 6.5 in my dwarf tanks and I have 4gh and 3 kh right from my tap so my water is fine for dwarfs. These are, generally, good conditions for Dwarfs. Similar conditions for discus.

    Some species will be ok with another male of the same species, but I have found that a single pair is best suited per tank. Just in case. In some cases I have found that the females are the aggressors. I lost plenty of female A. hongsloi due to in fighting. And they even killed a few males as well...

    With my A. trifasciata, I found that they like being in a big group and are really shy when housed by themselves. I added a few to my main display tank and they seem much happier with company.

    I do believe you can keep different species together, but I'd shy away from keeping more than one male of the same species in the same tank, unless the tank is really big.

    You can use Ketapang leaves, peat and black water tonic to tanks that are for housing apistos, I use a combination in most of my tanks. These products help to replicate the Dwarf Cichlids natural environment and it helps to keep them healthy.

    With regards to water changes - It's a must with most apistos to do the changes at lease once a week. Even if it's only a 20% change. Also, plants are an added bonus when it comes to making them feel more at home.

    Good luck, and if you need any help/advice, just shout.
  5. OP


    Nov 24, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Port Elizabeth
    Thanks guys :)
    Can u also please tell me what other types of fish are suitable for keeping with dwarf cichlids?
    I have a 100 litre tank- is that large enough?
  6. Sean J

    Sean J

    Jan 12, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Randburg JHB
    Plenty large enough for them. I keep most of mine in 40 - 60l tanks.

    Other fish that are suitable are Tetras, Corydoras, small barbs, Galaxy rasboras, etc... Small unassuming, peaceful fish. No fish that will try and compete for territory.
  7. OP


    Nov 24, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Port Elizabeth
    Thanks I'll do some research :)

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