I was just thinking why don’t we start a forum about our funniest and maybe our saddest experiences with our beloved fish and fish tanks.
Well... my saddest... to date... I arrived home today to install new heaters. Turned everything off, and in turning off, I noticed an angel falling off from the filter. He had obviously swam too close to the filter and got sucked up, and stuck to the underside. He didn't survive the ordeal, as he was dead already when I found him. I'm actually not sure what to do now. Last week I found a Cory had been sucked into the filter. So I put a stocking over the filter inlet. Today I find an angel stuck to the bottom. What now?
It's a cascade. It sits in the tank. Sucks water from the bottom through the filter medium, and out through a nozzel at the top
Zoom it is better to use an aquarium sponge....unless you can be VERY sure that there are no added dyes etc on the sponge you intend using.