Inline CO2 diffuser pressure

Discussion in 'General Equipment discussion' started by Ross, Apr 29, 2020.

  1. Ross


    May 7, 2019
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    Hello all,

    Wondering if anyone has any experience with inline CO2 diffuser/Atomizer. I have an UP inline atomizer, for my 400l system. I have a Saga regulator which says its out going pressure is 2.3 bar or so. My bubble rate is hard to count but its a constant stream of bubbles (added gif to try show), not a a frantic blur you can easily see the bubbles, they are formed and release right after one another.

    My concern is the amount of CO2 I am getting in the tank. CO2 starts 2 hours before the lights come on and according to the JBL pro scan strips I only have 15 ppm CO2 at the time the light come on. At the end of the day when the CO2 cuts off, the strips say I have 35ppm. What really throws me is when I asked co2supermarket (where I bought the UP atomizer) they say I should not need more than 30min - 1 hour before lights come on.

    I have played with the regulator and 2.3 is the max pressure I can get out of that thing with the needle valve open fully. And the bubble rate is as I described. If I disconnect the diffuser then the bubble rate is a mad blur which spits water out the drop checker. So I believe the diffuser is what is dictating the bubble rate. According to these guys at co2supermarket, If I had one of their regulators I would get more pressure etc... sales pitch.... SO my question is does it sound like my regulator is ok or is it lacking the ability to push more pressure out, and based on what I have seen would pushing more pressure even make a difference? If the inline diffuser can only diffuse at a certain bubble rate then adding more pressure with not do much the way I see it. In which case maybe I should be turning on my CO2 like 4 -5 hours before light come on to build CO2 up to 30ppm for when the lights start?

    Any advice is always appreciated? :)

  2. Guest

  3. rsa


    May 22, 2015
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    Hey @Ross , so I have 200l planted . I don’t use a inline diffuser unfortunately. I use a cerges reactor. I have done endless settings and times to determine where the sweet spot is . I use a 5kg on this tank with a standard bubble counter right after the regulator . My bubble rate is so fast I can’t count, but comparing to your rate it’s easily double . When my cylinder is nearing empty the rate only decreases towards the last day or so . The cylinder last me about 5 and half months. Times are 3 hours before lights and off 1 hour before lights off it works out to 8 hours a day . If there’s a system out there that brings up the ppm faster with less c02 I want one !!

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