Hi all i just found you guys yesterday , what a great site . Its good to find others that have the same passion for fish as i do . I have currently a 1200x600x600 tank with 9 malawis and 2 chinese algae eaters and a 900x450x450 .
Welcome Reafer! (when last did I have a reafer? - as student or sailor perhaps!) Sorry, the name just got my mind going way back... Gert.
haha thats not the first time i been asked that question ,i didnt know any better then i got them and i have grown so attached to them and out of all my fish they got the most personality and dont cause to much trouble in the tank, as long as the other fish stay out his space
Those algae eaters are aggressive, but shold be fine with other fish that can hold their own against them Personally, I hate them Just from experience lol Cheers Dale