Hi I had a 3ft comunity tank a while back i'm starting again with a battery cell they used in the railways it is about 45L .
Welcome Heinrich, how about pics as you set-up step by step..... What is this container made off? And what was is washed with? to get the acid out?
Hello and Welcome to TASA. @ Carping.Those batteries were made from Glass..Yes glass,and Telkom used to have them in the old exchanges as well.Most ended up as planters.
It is a plastic battery still need to do a bit of work cleaned it with bicarbonate of soda and washed it a couple of times
lol, i think they were, i know what the jumper cables for those looked like... i am using them for my beach buggy, my grandad brought those massive jumpers from the trains years ago when he worked for spoornet i think...
Hmmm Welcome to TASA .. I like the idea of using alternative containers as fish/plant tanks ... esp for out-side tanks I can picture it - 10 of those suckers interconnected as a mini tank wall.