I'm not really a total newby I've had my 3ft /250Lt tank with all my babies for about a year now and been through ups and downs with them, things i never thought possible so i do have a little bit of experience :idea: but would love to learn more. So this is going to a wonderful experience chatting to all of you.:bigsmile:
Thanks I'm sure I will this site looks great and it's nice to know there other people to talk to about the hobbie.
Thanks nice to be here! :bigsmile: I'm from Edenvale &I have quite a few fish, like Angels, guppies, loaches, suckermouth catfish, gouramis, white widows, neon tetras, glow light tetras, silver tip tetra, bala sharks, mollies, and platy's. Oh don't forget a siamese fighter. I also keep fancy gold fish in a separate tank. What fish do you keep?
Ola & welcome to TASA FF Hope you enjoy the stay here PS - Please update your profile to reflect your location so that everyone can see where you are from in your future posts Chiao Dale
Sounds like a nice selection there, should you happen to have some photos I'm sure everyone would love to see them. I currently keep Angels, Discus, Kribs, Gouramis, Apistogrammas, Rams, Loaches, Corys (naturally), some assorted tetras, red tailed black shark....umm....there may be others, but I can't think of them off-hand LOADS of Angelfish babies at the moment, some Krib babies, some Ram babies (hopefully when I get home IF the parents haven't eaten their eggs again)....
You also sound like you have a fab collection :bigsmile:, I'll try and orginise some photos for you guys if you can organise some for me, i'd also love to see your tank as well. At the moment i've got some of my babies in a quarantine tank so they are not all there. The fish in quarantine are new, so they're being treated before they go into the main tank. Definately don't need any headaches!!:banghead:
Hi Carping! I usually go to pet masters but i sometimes go to pta, muldersdrift(Fish Fantasy World), and Rifel Range(Gardenia Center) they have a lovely selection of plants and ornaments. There is also a little pet store in Eastgate shopping centre.
Hi Zoom! :ciao:I think it's in Muldersdrift, i might be mistaken:dontknow: it's called Fish Fantasy World the owners name is Derek. You can google the name and it will bring up the webpage.:top:
Thanks i didn't realise that everyone was so friendly on this site, the last one i went on to the people there were so reserved and kept to themselves. This site is great!
:bigsmile:hee! hee! hee! Tell me guys what are your thoughts on undergravel filters. Do you think they are worth it or not?:dontknow: