Hi all, I have started my aquarium about a month ago. I am still new so will need all the help I can get. I courantly have 2 angels, 2 catfish, 4 big black mollys, 4 small black mollys, 1 pleco, 2 blue gouramis, 7 guppies in my tank. Chow :bigsmile:
Welcome to TASA stripes! You've certainly come to the right place for help - it's a friendly, helpful bunch here
Hi Savage, Who are your parents? Is it maybe John Savage? Wow is this all the tanks you have. This must be nice. I bought myself another tank a few days ago. But it will take a wile for me to stock it with some fish. So if you come this way and maybe have some plants or fish or some good second hand pumps or so, you have too much of you can always give me a call. Do you maybe have any for sale? I would love to have a 2.1m x 600 x 600 tank.
Yes, John is my dad. i was in Koffie this past weekend. yes those are all my tanks and i am busy with another 1,2 x 450w x 500h. Who are you? Jonathan
Hi Jonathan, My name is Amanda. You will know me. I live not far from your parants. I visited your parents last week looking for a fish tank. Your father told me that you were coming the weekend and he will ask you about a tank. Do you build your own tanks?
Hi, of course I know you... I have a freind in PE who builds all my tanks for me. he supplies all the pet shops. his prices are really good. He charges R650 for a standard 1,2m tank with an internal bio filter. this is a pic of my 2.1 tank as i was setting it up. Jonathan
Hi Savage, What will his prize be on a 2.1m tank. But without the bio filter. Let me know when you are coming to Koffie again. Would like to show you my tanks and ask for advice. And please remember if you maybe have any surplus goodies let me know I will buy it from you. O, and if you maybe know of someone that have a big pleco that has outgrown their tank I am looking for one. And some breeding Angels. Please please!!
Hi, my dad is with me now and going back on Friday. i have a spare 20cm albino pleco spare that you can have for R150.00 let me know if i must send it with. pm me your email address and i will email you a pic
Hi, yes yes please I will take it. Thank you. He can let me know when I can go and pick it up. Thank you
Hi, your pleco is on its way. i also sent you some hygrophillia poly and vallisnaria (spelling???) jonathan