Hi, since i posted a question guess it is only right to introduce myself. Im a student in jhb. I currently keep only tropical fish. I have a 3ft, a 2ft, 3 1fts and a 10l hexagonal tank. Will start posts on the tanks as soon as things get going, right now they are in a static mode, not really doing much. Except for 2ft which had cyano, so working on removing that, with the help of this forums advice!
Welcome, this will be your home for the rest of your life. You will be loved (I'm starting to sound like an adoption agency LOL), praised, knocked over the head?, knocked over the knuckles, but only because we love you...We love all input, so feel free to share your fishy thoughts with us.
cool, thanks for the warm welcome. Ill try post pics of the bad and the ugly and hopefully with some help eventually the good. Right now I'm meant to be studying, but trying to learn some PIC programming so get my leds to be more than just a standard light source...oh the things fish keeping drives one to do!
hey ferryman no at wits, for some arb reason doing medicine. Did a BSc first though so didnt sell my soul straight away What you studying, what area you in?
i'm in Pretoria, did my firstyear in Electronic engineering before i saw the light, lol, it was the train entering the tunnel... i am a few months from getting my LLB in law at TUKS, then i'm off to UNISA for a masters in IT law
haha engineering is a very dark tunnel! but funny enough im spending more and more of my time with them, they have cool tools and toys and like to share...somtimes...
i mostly only have engineering friends everyone i started studing with, we all went that root, and though i love electronics design etc, i hate applied maths, its monotonous and unstimulating at least to me it is