Hi all Thought I'd better pop in and introduce myself. Shona here, live in south of Jhb. Bought my hubby a 3ft tank for his birthday in June last year as he had tropical fish for a while when he was young and decided he wanted another tank. He did no research, went to LFS who told him he could put 22 fish in his new 1 w old tank. Needless to say cost a fortune and we lost all but 8 fish within the first 2weeks. I then started doing research, and from then on we didn't lose many except those that got eaten. I always loved angels so he bought 2 small black marbles at that time and strangely enough they were of the fish that survived. They were around a 50c coin size when we got them. Of the original fish we have left the 2 angels, a CAE and a rainbow shark. The others all mysteriously vanished, I think either to the CAE or the rainbow shark. Of course this got me sooo interested and finally I took over the tank. Because I wanted more angels we eventually managed to get a 4ft Tall about 5-6w ago that takes around 300 - 350L I would think. The tank came with 2 tinfoils, 3 silver dollars, a dwarf gourami, 2 mollies (one orange, one white with black dots) and a neon tetra. I moved the neon into my daughters tank that was empty but still running and have added 4 more neons (one did not make it) plus a week after we got the tank we found 2 molly fry so they are also in my daughters tank (around 45cm in length), we have moved the silver dollars into the 3ft tank along with the CAE and the shark and added 4 male guppies (1 had since disappeared). In my 4ft tank we now have the 2 tinfoils, 2 black marble angels, 2 guppies, one dwarf gourami and since then I have added 2 BN Pleco's and bought 2 more beautiful fully grown angels (I think they are gold pearlscales). Turns out the 2 new ones are a breeding pair (maybe that is why they were in separate tanks at the FS in boksburg), and they laid thier first batch of eggs 2w ago. These all got eaten. 2nd batch was laid on Sunday and I moved them out of the tank into another container on Tuesday night when they became wigglers. Hoping some will survive.... so anyway HI hehehe. talk about a long winded introduction Will try add some pics in a moment
Hello and welcome, hope you enjoy it here Quick Calculator for Aquariums there you go, a quick calculator to check your tank volumes oh, and share some tank and fish pics with us, id like to see the gold pearlscales... please
Welcome guys, seems like you have already gone through an expensive learning curve...... That is nothing compared too what is waiting for you LOL......MTS...... But sofar you sound well informed already, but this is really the place to learn about fishkeeping. Just shout.
Welcome to TASA. here there is paparazzi and a dreaded disease called MTS as carping said. M - Many T - Tank S - Syndrome There is no cure and it spreads faster than the common house hold flu. We are all here to help with fish stuff in any way we can.
ok I took some pics, so lets see about posting them all. Sorry about the quality.. my camera is crappy for taking tank photos so most are taken on my phone 3ft tank 4ft tank Black Marble Angels Daddy Gold Pearlscale??? Mommy Mommy plus eggs Mollies Molly Fry plus Neons in small 1ft tank and lastly ANGEL WIGGLERS :smile1: - don't think you can see much but this is my first lot - so proud hehe. Dunno if any will survive but we going to give it a go
Welcome to TASA ... please update your profile with location. Thanks for the pics .. you planning on adding more real plants in the future?