Help please!!

Discussion in 'Labyrinth Fish' started by Lula123, Apr 7, 2009.

  1. Lula123


    Feb 16, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Newcastle, KZN
    I was wondering whether anyone will be able to give me some hints!!!

    I recently lost three (YES, THREE!! :eek:) spawn of bettas, two crowntails and also the latest doubletail spawn). I don't know why, since I still gave them the same food, (microworm, egg yolk and infusoria) as my previous successful spawns. The previous spawns happened when I didn't use a heater, and are now almost fully grown.
    When the temperatures started to cool a lot, I decided to start using my heaters. The temperatures were set between 26 and 28 degrees. Can it be that the heaters are relative new, and gives something off in the water?

    Also, I have lost three off my favourite adult fish after they were in the heated tanks. Plush, Bubbles and Hi-Five are with me no more.

    Another thing, I lost a rather big lot of my ten and nine week old spawn, but the heater in their tank isn't new. I also noticed that a lot of them seem to have clinched tails and fins which no matter what I do, won't open again, they just seem to 'swim' on without using them. I have read that betta fry excretes a hormone to stunt their siblings growth, don't know if that has something to do with it.

    I am really confused by all this. And no, its not finrot. I medicate their water once a week with a general purpose solution that are safe even in the smallest fry's tanks. I also do regular water changes and a complete water change once a week.
  2. Guest

  3. solex69


    Sep 9, 2008
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    Sorry to hear about the losses...I know the feeling

    Quite true that fry do release a hormone that stunts the growth of other siblings (the strongest will survive theory). Don't think that's causing the death of your fry...the others will eventually grow but much slower than the 'bullies'.

    I hope your breeding tanks are covered to prevent cold drafts from hitting the water surface as it is damaging to the fry's labyrinth development and could lead to death.

    Personally, I think you might have a fungal or bacterial infection (clinched fins)breakout in your tanks. I would suggest a brand new tank setup only with aquarium salt.
    If you really want to, get Tetra's anti-fungal drops and only add only 1 drop per 10l of water to your existing problem tanks.

    Your water temperature seems fine...26deg should be the ideal temp for fry development although European breeders use 28deg. 24deg is normally the magic temp to get the pair to spawn, but 26 is what I'll put the temp up to (28 should also be ok but my preference is 26)

    Could some sort of chemical landed up in your water? ie, detergent, insecticide, etc etc?

  4. OP


    Feb 16, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Newcastle, KZN
    Thank you Dale,

    I will try the tetra drops maybe that will work. Thought the general solution covers against finrot, fungus, ich and about 4 other common diseases. I seem to have a plakat spawn coming on. Is the tetra drops safe with small fry?

    And nope, no chemical in the water, my fishroom is off limits to the cleaner, I'm just about the only one going in there.

    Also, no cold air at the water surface, I have it all sealed off.

    I'm just baffled by what has killed my adult bettas of so fast. Like I said, all fine in the morning and dead by the afternoon!

    Hopefully all my bettas are ok when I get home today!

  5. TyroneGenade

    TyroneGenade Mad Scientist

    Mar 20, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Orange City, Iowa, USA
    Cold air is abit of a myth.

    I'm thinking bacteria or toxin the water. Done any water changes recently?

    For the bacteria, visit your local pharmacist and get some potassium permanganate. Prepare a 1% solution (1g to every 100 mL) and add 2 mL of this per 5 L. This will be death of bacteria and fungi in the water column or on the fish. If the tank goes from purple to clear very fast then redose. Make sure there is no charcoal in the filters.

    The permanganate acts like chlorine but is less toxic to the fish. It will upset snails but is harmless to plants.

    Kind regards and good luck.
  6. Zafgak

    Zafgak Old fart

    Apr 8, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Cape Town
    Hi Lula
    Just reading what you said - it seems the only thing you have changed is adding the heaters - take the heaters out, do a complete water change, then try again the same as before. If this works you have ruled out the heaters being the problem.
  7. OP


    Feb 16, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Newcastle, KZN
    TyroneGenade - I do partial water changes every second to third day and a complete water change once a week, but I will try the tetra drops in some tanks and the potassium permanganate in the others. Thank you.

    Zafgak - Thank you, I have already taken the heaters out and rewashed them. they are back in the tanks now. I will just have to see what happens now. So far the bettas doesn't seem so lousy as before.

    I am also going to start experimenting with some borehole water, for all I know there might even have been some new chemicals added to our tap water. (Though I do let tap water stand for 24 hours before using it)

    Will update on the results and my findings soon...

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