Hell all, i have just registered a new member and thought I might just give some background as to what I have. I am currently runing 2 1000L drums, 2 1.2m tanks and a custom built 1.4m. I have been keeping all sorts of cichlids for the past 6 years and condider myself still a newby. I have and am currently breeding Northern blue melanochromis sp,red zebra's,taiwan reefs,aulonocara nyassae peacocks,carelius and demasoni. I also have 6 Frontos Burundi which has never bred before. I am looking at scaling down and just sepcialising in lesser but more specific cichlids such as Frontosa Kigoma ( of which I would like to start off with wild caughts ) and also Tropheus Ikola, and Aulonocara Mamelela.
Welcome Erafaan .. any chance of posting some pictures of your drums and the plumbing done to them ... sounds like a nice setup.