Fish to put in with my tiger barbs

Discussion in 'Community Tanks' started by Kat, Dec 10, 2009.

  1. Kat


    Nov 24, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Port Elizabeth
    so I decided to keep the tiger barbs-I love their colouring. They were given to me by a friend along with 5 danios, 1 swordtail, 4 black widows and a black neon. I put them in a 100l tank. They have all been living together happily for 2 yrs at friends place. Unfortunately two of the danios (and a snail) got sucked into the filter. Fixed up th filter so that can't happen ever again. So I went to LFS today to get some more friends for these guys. So here is what I got..(any comments would be appreciated :)

    2 dwarf gaurami (males)
    1 sailfin molly (male)
    2 white molly
    2 dalmation molly
    2 neon tetra
    2 swordtail (male + female)

    U reckon they will all be fine together?
  2. Guest

  3. SalmonAfrica

    SalmonAfrica Batfish

    Dec 13, 2008
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    I'm a bit worried - on all accounts I've heard of keeping this fish, I've heard they are fin-nippers, especially towards fish with long or filamentous fins. This leaves your dwarf gouramis, sailfin molly, and male swordtail at partiuclar risk. Keep your eyes on these fishes' fins for signs of damage, and be quick to removed the offenders or the victims should the situation get nasty.
  4. OP


    Nov 24, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Port Elizabeth
    Thanks, will do.
    They havnt seemed too interested in the new fish-had a look at first and did nip at th sailfin a couple of times, but now they seem back to playing amongst themselves again. Didnt even give the guarami's or sword a second look. Will definately keep a very close eye on them. Can u please tell me the cm of fish allowed for a 100l I want to calculate wat I got :)
  5. Dolphin


    Nov 20, 2008
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    Kat, your combination of fish is not good - especially the new ones. Sorry!

    The best thing for you to do now is decide exactly which fish you really like and want to keep. Then, before going to your LFS to purchase, post here and ask for input on your choices.

    I'm sure your LFS wont mind swoping the fish for you. So do some quick research on the fish you will be keeping and then take the others back...
  6. OP


    Nov 24, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Port Elizabeth
    Thanks, checked out a web site suggested which let me see which species were compatible and goin to LFS today to swop my fishies. Must say my tigers must be impecably behaved ones because they dont bother th gourami's or the sailfin at all. Getting rid of the neon's, danio's, swordtails and the black neon.

    The Gourami's seem to have sorted out their own territory and keep to one half of the tank and the tigers don't go near them so gonna keep an eye on them cuz I really like them and want to keep them. Must say I do have a very peaceful tank, no fighting or ruckus. I introduced my swords in with the platies in the other tank and it apears that the sword female is very grumpy natured- has a go at everyone :)

    Will let u no how they all get on. And thankyou so much for the advice, it is much apreciated :) Funny enough as I am new to this I took the advice of the LFS and it appears that this is the wrong thing to do. Told them I have tigers and those were the fish they reccomended. Will def do more research in future :)
  7. Gaawie

    Gaawie Wannabe

    Nov 16, 2009
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    Cape Town
    good plan, kat. rarely, if ever, listen to what the lfs people tell you, unless you're sure you know they know what they're talking about, and you trust that they are looking out for your fish. it is even worthwhile paying a bit more at a place with great advice, where yo get to personally know the owner and they have great condition tanks, as opposed to a massive, impersonal place where the advice or quality aren't that great
  8. Zoom

    Zoom Retired Moderator

    Apr 13, 2009
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    Jhb- Fourways

    What you will learn to eventually do is research the fish YOU want, and whether they are compatible or not with your fishtank. Then you will know which LPS you trust to either stock healthy fish, or bring in the fish you want.

    The WORST type of shopping you can do is "Oh, that's a nice fishy... will it go in my tank?" 99 point 9 percent of the time, the LPS will say yes because then he get's the sale!

    I know exactly which shops I am prepared to buy lifestock from, and which shops I am prepared to buy equipment from... and they are 2 different shops. Dolphin is also a GREAT source of lifestock, plants and I believe equipment soon, if you are prepared to wait for the order!

    I went to a big LPS yesterday in boksburg that a lot of people rant and rave about... well... I was hugely disappointed. The prices were stupid they were so high, the fish looked very unhappy, the staff were young in-experience school kids, and to be honest, the whole place just had a "run-down" feel about it!

    Kat, you will find the LPS that you prefer, and you trust. And Gaawie is 100% correct, you will need to get to know the owners and judge whether you can trust their advice.
  9. OP


    Nov 24, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Port Elizabeth
    Thanks guys.. I am definately learning a lot. But I suppose unfortunately you have to make some mistakes in the beginning as you learn. In the end I do want a tank that looks good, but more so I want my fish to all be happy. I'm so pleased I joined here as it is really great to be able to get advice from you all... thanks so much :)
  10. Gaawie

    Gaawie Wannabe

    Nov 16, 2009
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    Cape Town
    That's what we're here for, Kat :)

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