Hi all My platy in my cory tank is suffering from fin rot and i've started carrying out water changes. I suspect that one of the other platies or angels are fin nippers. Already the the 2nd platy is showing slight signs of infection. What medication should i use for this and is it expensive? also should i treat them in the main tank?
There a cheap all purpose marltons med (forgot the name) that I have used for fin rot, it costs under twenty rand. I would rather treat the fish in a quarentine tank as thr anti bacterial meds may kill your biological filtration.
thanks 10i, i've just performed a 20% waterchange. I'll only be able to get the medication tommorow; i hope i dont end up with a lot of casualties
Hi Speedz, I just had a bout of fin rot on one of my male Kribs. I cant for the life of me remember what the treatment was called (except that it started with an M and was a dark blue liquid), it worked very well though and I would recommend it - will get the name when I get home!
Methylene Blue is what you are thinking about KiazerG. Good treatment but you will have to do it in a seperate tank as the treatment nearly kills all bacteria, including your bio-filter.
okay i may be able to get some in the powder form; i've got a 1ft tank i can use for treatment. Problem is how much methyl blue to use. Anyone got an idea? also how long should i leave the fish in the treatment tank with the methyl blue?
http://www.theaquariumwiki.com/Methylene_blue#Dosages A quick google search and I found the dosage in the link above. Important notice: Please note this chemical kills bacteria so will seriously damage the bacteria in your Filter system. This chemical will dye ornaments, your skin and the silicon seals in your aquarium. This dye is toxic to plants and an irritant to human skin. Avoid skin contact. Avoid contact with clothing. Avoid breathing the powder or dust.
thanks ruan and kiazer. I've setup the hospital tank; a 1ft with methyl blue(only added a little bit so that there is a blue tinge) with a small power head for circulation. did another 20% water change on the main tank(2nd change today). Will keep you guys posted I wouldnt recommend anyone to use the powder form of methyl blue as you have to be very careful about not breathing into it and it also leaves a stain on your hand if it makes contact
Sorry Speedz for the late reply! the medicine I was thinking of was Waterlife's Myxazin which you dose 7ml per 100l for 5 days... It isnt toxic to plants either. I guess if the methyl blue doesnt work you could try this stuff.... goodluck!!
do you guys think that i should leave the fish in the hospital tank to fully grow its fin back or put it back into the main tank to recover once the "rot" has cleared up?
I've never been through this type of experience, but I would think that maybe leaving it in the hospital tank would allow it to have a stress free environment for a few days, and facilitate better growth?
I let my kribs fins bond back together and show a definite margin of growth (this took aprox. 5 days)... I would suggest the treatment period plus 5 days...
okay it has been a few days and the platy is showing signs of improvement just a bit of white on the side of its body. I probably will leave it in its tank to get better. Also lost a pleco and a cory in my main tank a day apart for unknown reasons:frown: I think the cory was old, it was quite big although i just got it last year. Can anyone confirm what a bronze cory's lifespan is?