Fin-Nipping Fish

Discussion in 'Beginner Discussions' started by 2202, Sep 6, 2009.

  1. 2202

    2202 CNC ROUTING of Perspex

    Aug 4, 2009
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    Bellville Cape Town
    I am trying to make the best choices to make up community tanks.
    What fish (that are normally available) can you put together that are not Fin-Nippers?
    At this stage,
    I have
    Scissortails;Leopard Danios, Zebra Danios; Guppies and Sailfin Mollies

    What fish must you avoid as a beginner (Also meaning what you would normally find in a LFS)?

    :wondering: :wondering:
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2009
  2. Guest

  3. Bufamotis


    Aug 3, 2009
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    Pretoria East
  4. Gilbertr14

    Gilbertr14 Phenacogrammus

    Jun 23, 2009
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    Kraaifontein, Cape Town
    Hello 2202

    A few points I picked up

    Here is some more help

    Most live bearers and Tetras are pretty easy to look after.
    The silver tip tetras are a little more sensative than others.
    Rummy (Runny :)) nose Tetras are good litmus tests in your tank, as the red disappears when they not happy.
    Otos are always a cute enjoyable addition
    steer clear of the sucking loach (One of the Siamese/Chines algea eaters, someone will come clear the correct one up for us)

    The smaller rainbowfish and Gouramis can be nice lareger showfish additions, contrasting against the smaller fish.

    Kribensis tend to nip
    Tiger Barbs tend to nip
    Bettas are not suited for any Community tanks.
    Angels are always a bit of a chance, but more often than most become a bit of a problem when they get bigger. They will eat your smaller fish and fry.

    Scissortail Rasboras grow upto about 12 - 15cm after a while and like large tanks to swim in.

    here is a list of small plecs, courtesy of

    1. Flash Pleco, L204- 5.2" 130mm
    2. Imperial Pleco, Zebra Pleco, L046, L098, L173- 3.2" 80mm
    3. Clown Pleco, Ringlet Pleco, L104, L162, LDA22- 4" 100mm
    4. Queen Arabesque Pleco L260~ 5" 125mm
    5. King Tiger Pleco, Network Pleco, Scribbled Pleco, L066- 4.8" 120mm
    6. Leopard Frog Pleco, L134 4.4" 110mm
    7. Bristlenose Catfish, Common Bristlenose Catfish, L?- 5" 125mm
    8. Green Pleco, Lemon spotted Green Pleco, L200- 7.2" 180mm
    9. Starlight Bristlenose Catfish, L183- 4.0" 100mm
    10. Para Pleco, L075, L124, L301, LDA02- 6" 150mm
    11. Hypancistrus sp. ,L333- 6" 150mm
    12. Butterfly Pleco, Flounder Pleco, L168- 5.6" 140mm
    13. Hemiancistrus sp. L128- 7.2" 180mm (Apparently some have seen this plec. reach 9 inches)
    14. Tiger ''Peckoltia'', L002, L074- 4" 100mm
    15. Candy Striped Pleco, L015- 4" 100mm
    16. Glyptoperichthys joselimaianus, L001, L022- 8" 200mm
    17. Angelicus Pleco, Portel Angelicus Pleco, L004, L005, L028, L073- 4" 100mm
    18. Chocolate Zebra Pleco, L270, L307, LDA76- 4" 100mm
    19. Medusa Pleco, L034- 8" 200mm
    20. Spotted Medusa Pleco, L255- 8" 200mm
    21. Dekeyseria sp., Butterfly Pleco, Flounder Pleco L052- 4.8" 120mm
    22. Pitbull Plec LDA25 - 2" 50mm
    23. Brown Dot Peckoltia, L006- 4" 100mm
    24. Leopard Peckoltia, L008- 3.2" 80mm
    25. Ancistrini sp. L016-6" 150mm
    26. Snowball Pleco (Hypancistrus sp.) L102- 6.4" 160mm
    27. Spotted Orange Seam Pleco L106- 6" 150mm
    28. Hypancistrus sp. L129- 2.8" 70mm
    29. Spectracanthicus sp. L254- 4.4" 110mm
    30. Panaque sp. L306, LDA64- 4.8" 120mm
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2009
  5. Reafer


    May 16, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Port Elizabeth
    i would kill for two 2. Imperial Pleco, Zebra Pleco, L046, L098, L173- 3.2" 80mm
  6. SalmonAfrica

    SalmonAfrica Batfish

    Dec 13, 2008
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    I beg to differ, I've seen many display tanks with Bettas mixed in with smaller tetras as well as some larger, slower species - no problems. The real problem lies with the fact that people often keep them with long-finned varieties, notably swordtails, guppies, angelfish, gouramis, butterflyfish and others such as longfin zebra danios. Also try to avoid mixing with other Bettas, including betta females of the same species; the males can harass the female to death, literally.
  7. Zoom

    Zoom Retired Moderator

    Apr 13, 2009
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    Jhb- Fourways
    I had a Betta very happiy in my community of guppies, angels, and tetra variety. (Dies of water conditions.)

    Today I introduced Betta into a new tank with ONLY Neons... when I looked again, he was munching on a neon!

    Gues it depends on the temperament too.
  8. Sean J

    Sean J

    Jan 12, 2009
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    Randburg JHB
    I have had a betta only tank. I had 5 females and 1 male in the tank. It was the females who killed the male. They literally pounded him to death.

    But, I've also had them in a community tank before with 1 male and a few females and they all lived very happily.

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