Farlowella acus aka the Twig Catfish

Discussion in 'Catfish' started by Kuhli Loach, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. Kuhli Loach

    Kuhli Loach

    Jun 11, 2009
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    I managed to get some of these guy from a LFS in Pretoria the other day and think they are really great. I have done some reading on the net about them, and got a few different opinions. Some people regard them as easy fish to keep and other say they have some trouble keeping them. Does anybody keep them, and please share the experience that you have had with them.

    Picture credit of www.scotcat.com

    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  2. Guest

  3. SalmonAfrica

    SalmonAfrica Batfish

    Dec 13, 2008
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    Great fish man, just keep on top of your water - both with parameters and waste build-up - and ensure they're feeing well.

    It's very important to keep the veggies coming, but include some variety as well, such as the frozen inverts, every so often.

    Good luck
  4. Altum

    Altum Sponsor

    Sep 18, 2008
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    CAPE TOWN 7441
    Ignore my opinion, here's some fact

    Maybe this will clarify/confuse further?:bigsmile:

    I have recently( last 18months) brought some Farlowella spp into trade , mostly WesternCape.
    Tankbred ex-Europe, and Wildcaught ex-Colombia.

    Ask your LFS:
    Are they wildcaught or Tankbred?
    Which country?
    If you have decent chat, I'm sure HIS WHOLESALER would oblige him with the info you require.

    Most "Farlowella acus", aren't even that species.
    Actual F acus, have snub nose, shorter snout that doesn't quite look as distinctive.

    Most are likely Farlowella vittata.
    I got my F. acus from a Colombian exporter who also does Venezuelan fish
    (F. acus is the only Farlowella from the area)

    Below describes current fish and conditions

    Currently I keep my tankbred Farlowella vittata, which were obtained from Germany, as 2nd generation (F2) tankbred, in barebased wholesale tanks.
    There's abit of waterlogged mopani wood, and sponge filtration with PLENTY AIR.
    Temp is 26-27C.
    KH 3-4 (relatively soft)
    pH varies with waterchange routine between 5.5 and 7.5, (but not in one day)

    WILDCAUGHT Farlowella are between 55-110mm. None were lost after arrival, and have proven tough, easy-to-please fish.
    keeping in mind:
    Diet(green beans,later Blanched spinach, and baby marrow greedily taken), warm, well oxygenated,softish water, peaceful companions.

    Tankbred size 75-125mm. Breeder has them available ALWAYS.

    There are Albino ancistrus, tetras, Corydoras sharing space ..

    Tanks are fed TetraBits Breeder Red/Prima,Frozen Bloodworm ,Plecomin, and/or Green beans.

    If fish has dark, broad brown lateral markings and Longer Rostrum, almost slightly upturned, likely F vittata
    Rostrum= "snout"

    Note, there are a few others similarly marked, but not regularly made available to hobby-trade( let alone South Africa)

    OK, since I read that it's a better food than spinach when raising fry.
    I first bred Farlowella vittata 14y ago, by fluke, as it were. Then according to plan.
    Until my Discus hatchery forced me to cut down on the number of "other species"

    Mature Males have small spiky bristles around the tip of the rostrum, Females Smooth.
    So if your fish are big enough to sex.......

    I have found my F vittata a better algae eater than previous single, larger Ancistrus in more than a few tanks.
    They are too useful to pass up in soft, green algae snacking

    BTW. If you dropped him a line,Allan James owner of Scotcat is a very helpful guy, don't remind him
    ... I still owe him some Synodontis :p

    Hope this helps.:blink1:

    Reafer likes this.
  5. OP
    Kuhli Loach

    Kuhli Loach

    Jun 11, 2009
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    SalmonAfrica – Altum – thanks for the info – really great to get a response from members that do want to share there experience.

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