Discus Dilemma

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Fanie Jordaan, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. Fanie Jordaan

    Fanie Jordaan

    Feb 28, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Allow me to start by expressing my delight when I came across this forum as most tropical fish and planted aquarium forums tend to cater for North American and European hobbyist where aquarium resources seems to be limitless with breeders and equipment suppliers in abundance.
    I started keeping tropical’s in the mid 70’s and eventually migrated to marine aquariums when protein skimmers and other fancy equipment were only dreamt of by most hobbyist. I must however confess that my conscious no longer allowed me to keep marines and I sadly gave up my beloved hobby with the intent to take up a tropical species tank when time allows.
    I recently walled into a local pet shop and was swept of my feet by the absolute beauty of a pair of adult Discus. I am thus intending to return to the hobby which with a species planted Discus tank and have more questions than initially anticipated.
    Firstly, where in the Pretoria / Johannesburg area do I find a Discus breeder? I tend to lean towards the original wild species. Do breeders still bother with the original Heckel’s, Royal Blue’s , Browns and Red Spotted Green’s?
    The primary setup which I intend to start with would consist of a Jewel Vision 260 liter tank – I like the esthetics of the curved front glass.
    EHEIM professional 3e 450 as the primary biological filter later adding a second running as a backup.
    EHEIM JÄGER 300W heater also with a second as a backup.
    EHEIM professional pH-co2ntrol which I deem essential in a planted tank - I still however need to find a local supplier for this product as it would appear that there is no longer a sole EHEIM supplier in South Africa?

    As for substrate and plants in a Discus species tank – I will need to do quite a bit of shopping around and advice.

    The above setup – according to my calculations would support about 4 adult Discus.

    Your advice on the above proposed setup would really be appreciated.
    Also – where do I find a decent supplier of equipment and plans in the Pretoria / Johannesburg area?

    PS: Keep up your good inputs on this forum – to newbie’s it is a goldmine of valuable info.


    Fanie Jordaan
  2. Guest

  3. OP
    Fanie Jordaan

    Fanie Jordaan

    Feb 28, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Allow me to start by expressing my delight when I came across this forum as most tropical fish and planted aquarium forums tend to cater for North American and European hobbyist where aquarium resources seems to be limitless with breeders and equipment suppliers in abundance.
    I started keeping tropical’s in the mid 70’s and eventually migrated to marine aquariums when protein skimmers and other fancy equipment were only dreamt of by most hobbyist. I must however confess that my conscious no longer allowed me to keep marines and I sadly gave up my beloved hobby with the intent to take up a tropical species tank when time allows.
    I recently walled into a local pet shop and was swept of my feet by the absolute beauty of a pair of adult Discus. I am thus intending to return to the hobby which with a species planted Discus tank and have more questions than initially anticipated.
    Firstly, where in the Pretoria / Johannesburg area do I find a Discus breeder? I tend to lean towards the original wild species. Do breeders still bother with the original Heckel’s, Royal Blue’s , Browns and Red Spotted Green’s?
    The primary setup which I intend to start with would consist of a Jewel Vision 260 liter tank – I like the esthetics of the curved front glass.
    EHEIM professional 3e 450 as the primary biological filter later adding a second running as a backup.
    EHEIM JÄGER 300W heater also with a second as a backup.
    EHEIM professional pH-co2ntrol which I deem essential in a planted tank - I still however need to find a local supplier for this product as it would appear that there is no longer a sole EHEIM supplier in South Africa?

    As for substrate and plants in a Discus species tank – I will need to do quite a bit of shopping around and advice.

    The above setup – according to my calculations would support about 4 adult Discus.

    Your advice on the above proposed setup would really be appreciated.
    Also – where do I find a decent supplier of equipment and plans in the Pretoria / Johannesburg area?

    PS: Keep up your good inputs on this forum – to newbie’s it is a goldmine of valuable info.


    Fanie Jordaan
  4. Zafgak

    Zafgak Old fart

    Apr 8, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Cape Town
    Welcome Fanie - I'm in Cape Town so cannot help too much on the LFS's..
    Most people prefer to keep discus in a bare bottom tank, No Plants, and one or two sponge filters internally with very good external filtration..

    I prefer a planted tank with substrate, so with that in mind - Do a google on Biotype tanks.. From my side I would go with a washed riversand substrate, plenty of Vallis Planted at the back and one side. A nice Mopani centrepiece with moss trained over it, and if you have the space, a Monsterosa growing above the tank with the roots creating a riverbank with roots type of effect. A few floating plants to filter the light and say 2 x T5 lights.
  5. Zafgak

    Zafgak Old fart

    Apr 8, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Cape Town
    See other post
  6. Zafgak

    Zafgak Old fart

    Apr 8, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Cape Town
    Try here


    What I have described above is not a TRUE Biotype but a close representation. Check out the Tefe and Ica river systems as well as the Nanay ( which has a fascinating history about the discus found there)
  7. Dolphin


    Nov 20, 2008
    Likes Received:
    hello and welcome to TASA
  8. rogerrabbit


    Apr 26, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Haai Fanie

    Hello en welkom hier. Een van die groot geeste in diskus visse in SA is aktief betrokke by die forum. Prof. Bellsted is vanaf more vir sowat 'n week uit die land uit, maar enige vrae en raad kan by hom opgeneem word. Wag tot hy terug is en kontak hom direk of ek kan vir jou sy kontak besonderhede gee. Daar is baie goeie inligting oor die algemeen beskikbaar op die forum en baie mense wat bereid is om te help, maar hy het 'n passie en die ervaring om jou te help. Ons sit amper in dieselfde bootjie, so sterkte en geniet.
  9. veegal


    Apr 1, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Cape Town
    Welcome to TASA Fanie! Ditto the above....

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