Hi all. About two weeks ago i threw a piece of wood covered in BBA into the pool, all algae is now off. The pool is chlorinated. So my question is how long should i let the wood stand in a bucket of fresh water with a generous amount of dechlorinator in? Thanks Doug
...does it have to be out the water? When the water evaporates does it take the chlorine with it? though that is would stay behind. So if i do that, i can then just resoak it in fresh water, else the darn thing floats again!
I'd let the wood stand in the dechlorinator for 24-48hours, depending on the size of the wood, and then rinse it well. Perhaps add an airstone to the bucket when soaking in the dechlor just to be sure.
i thought it was because the cl- wants to be a gas(Cl2), so by passing a gas though the water the cl would kinda diffuse into the chlorine free air, i.e. the bubbles create a gradient for the chlorine to leave by....think chlorine leaves water if you just leave it overnight, so this might just be 'catalysing' that reaction?
" chlorine leaves water if you just leave it overnight " how would a swimming pool stay chlorinated then without daily cl application?
By aerating the water you diffuse the chlorine into the air. If you just let the water stand overnight, with no movement, you will not get rid of ALL the chlorine in that amount of time.
hmmm ferryman you bring up a point...maybe in a pool the volumes are large enough that not all chlorine disperses, i know with my pool that we have to add hth pretty often, i.e if i dose the pool, every few days i have to top up with hth to maintain the chlorine levels. So now not sure if this is due to chlorine diffusing out or not, seem to also remember that hth gets deactivated over time by sunlight or something odd like that...
Sunlight and time will get rid of clorine pretty quickly. It gasses out no matter what levels you have. I aerate my water preparation drum the entire week before doing a water change. I know the local water works do not use cloramine, so all clorine will be gone after a few days, no matter how much they add.
sorry chemistry was off a bit. HTH is protected from uv light by adding a molecule that stabilizes it to some extent. When you add just chlorine to water it forms underchloric acid- HOCl. Sunlight gives energy which releases an electron, this then reduces the chlorine to Cl-, so basically two HOCl +sunlight leaves (2Cl-)+O2+(2H+)...or something like that, maybe someone with a chemistry background can comment...
As far as I understand it, the airstone is added to get the water moving and thereby aid the diffusion of the chlorine...