I shouldn't be admitting to this, but I generally do not test my water on a regular basis. My philosophy is if the fish are looking healthy, have a good appetite, my plants are growing, and the water is clear, then my chemistry of the water is pretty good. Granted I do a 30-40% water change religeously every weekend! According to some conversations I've had with Laure with regards to algae etc, my chemistry set up is pretty good. BGA in the beginning of the week is good because that means my nitrates are low. Obviously due to the WC. And then I get GSA on my glass on about day 6... which shows my nitrates are getting higher... and a WC is necessary. I tested 2 nights ago (1 day before WC) just to see how high the Nitrates was... and this is the readings I got on both my 160litre and 40litre Ammonia - 0ppm Nitrites - 0ppm Nitrates - 10-15ppm BUT my 40litre pH was 7.8, and my 160 litre was 7.0. Both tanks are in equal preportions to each other, meaning the small tank has 1/5 the amount of: water substrate undergravel ferts plants... so in theory the tanks SHOULD be running same pH as the water comes from same tap. The 160l has got DIY CO2 on it... I am not convinced that the diy CO2 is doing any major benficial good to the plants, as I am only getting about 1 drop per 3 seconds.... BUT could the DIY CO2 be effecting the pH so much? If the DIY CO2 is effecting it that much, then how much does the proper CO2 injection kits change/effect pH???
Co2 + Water = Carbonic Acid. You in the Weltevreden area by any chance? Those paramaters are very similiar to what I get out of the tap
Wilropark area.... not too far from Welties actually. Use to work at the Romans Pizza, then the Mica there in Palm Court.
Hmmm, it means your nitrates are too low, in other words, not good. This could be expected after a WC. Perhaps dose some KNO3 after your WC to ensure you don't get BGA? Interesting difference; can't really explain it. But I can tell you the DIY CO2 at 1 bubble per 3 seconds will NOT cause such a big difference. Pressurized CO2 at 2 bubbles per second will likely cause a 0.5 ph shift...
my co2 is a diy setup, been running since the 18th. i get about 2 or 3 bps. But with light as limiting factor. And no ferts, its not much use. Other than lowering my 8.2 ph