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Buenas Aires Tetras as well (Sorry big G)

Discussion in 'Livestock Classifieds' started by Gaawie, Nov 21, 2009.

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  1. Gaawie

    Gaawie Wannabe

    Nov 16, 2009
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    Cape Town
    I've also got 5 Buenas Aires tetras that I would like to give awayor if you could spare a cutting or two of something. They were in the tank I inherited, and have never shown any signs of ill health (had them for about 10 months) they are about 6,5 cm each, very healthy looking with distinct markings (I know, I'm trying to punt them, but it's true :blink1:) They eat the plants and harass my angels, so I would like to pass them on. I can't deliver.

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