Brown Discus

Discussion in 'New members' started by abdd003, Aug 19, 2011.

  1. abdd003


    Nov 12, 2010
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    Last August someone advertised a deep 4ft tank with all equipment for free.
    Included was a large brown Discus.

    As I did not know much about this fish, it was only after about two weeks that I noticed two symetrical white spots on the nose, which I thought was "Hole in the head" as there was medicine included for this and having seen it previously in Deacons. Innitially I tried to treat it (medicines,salt,temperature) and gave it up as a bad job, as I am not a Discus fan. I would have thought that had it been Hole in the head, the Discus would have died a long time ago.

    Over and above this, the discus is healthy, swims all over the tank in a lively manner. eats profusely and shows aggression to smaller Discus when they get near.

    I think I have reached the stage where it would be dossappointing to lose the fish, especially at the exhorbitant prices these fish go and wonder if someone can tell me if I have missed something?

    As I have access to Internet on employers system, which is blocked from external input systems, I regret not being able to place photos.
  2. Guest

  3. HennieRoux


    Aug 4, 2011
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    JHB, Roodepoort
    Hi, this is difficult to say without a pic...i would gladly PM you my cell number then you can mms me a pic of it...
  4. SalmonAfrica

    SalmonAfrica Batfish

    Dec 13, 2008
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    ...or you could just post a pic here.

    How long has it been like this? Have the spots gotten any larger?

    Do a quick Google image search and compare to what you have. Normally the condition worsens over time, isn't very symmetrical and and looks as if the skin itself is eroding and flaking.

    I've had this on my Oscar before: note how the flesh around the nose has degenerated and some of the skin further up his head is starting to go too.

  5. OP


    Nov 12, 2010
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    Thanks for the response.
    The Discus has had these two spots that look more like nostrils ..... have never got bigger .... have been like that for more than a year .... but ooze small amounts of white liquid or jel like substance, being the reason for my concern.
    I have seen Hole in the head in one of my Deacons which has recovered. This looked similar at first, but as it has not shown signs of improvement or deterioration, I have just left it be and decided what happens, happens.
    However on seeing threads hear I thought to ask and possibly "meet" someone with more experience on this.
    I do regard myself as experienced as I have had numerous tanks for many years housing numerous specie and even have some strange combinations of specie in tanks, but we can never know everything, in fact still have plenty to learn, but far from beginner and will also gladly offer advice in this column, if I can.
    For what it is worth, I have 7 three foot, 3 four foot and a six and a half foot tank (in S.A. that is 190cm x 50cm x 75 cm). One of the 3 and 4 foot are deeper than standard and most tanks are overstocked making water changes essential e.g. 16 x 10cm Silver Dollars, 4 x Deacons, 20cm Clown Knife, 3 large clown loaches, Spotted synodontis, unknown barb 7cm, Appolo Shark 9cm and spotted Doradid in a 3 ft tank. Except for the knife these have been together for many months and the knife moved in about a month ago when I thought it to big in another 3ft tank with smaller fish.
  6. HennieRoux


    Aug 4, 2011
    Likes Received:
    JHB, Roodepoort
    The oozing part is most def not normal...what temp and PH are you keeping the discus @?
  7. Marco

    Marco Retired Moderator

    May 24, 2010
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    Waverley Pretoria

    From what you have described here this is most definetly hole-in-the-head disease.
    It can stay with the fish for long periods of time, not worsening and not getting better either, due to the fact that the fish's condition remains relatively stable.
    Previously thought to be due to flagellate infestations, hole-in-the-head is actually due to bad nutrition. If you can take time to list what you currently and in the past feed these fish it is probable that the problem will become evident.

    As the fish is already at a stage where the skin has ruptured and the oozing of cartilage bone is happening, any drop in condition, due to stress, bad water quality or another infection of some sort will just worsen this scenario. It is imperative that you change the diet a.s.a.p in order for the fish to make a full recovery. If it has white stringy poop by chance (not nescessarily) you should also treat for flagellates.

    There is some vitamin products available from LPS which would also benefit.

    You do not give a great deal of information, and with what you have given this is the most probable cause.


    Last edited: Aug 19, 2011
  8. OP


    Nov 12, 2010
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    Thanks for the responses - unfortunately due to work commitments, I have been unable to respond to the kind people.
    Furthermore, I spoke/wrote too soon. I lost a few large fish - believe it or not - due to the fires in North West and Free State. I drove home in thick smoke, arrived there with the power off which came on after a guess of two and a half hours. The house was filled with smoke. I have a single air pump feeding 14 tanks and this obviously pumped foul air into the water which in my opinion has done exactly as described - poor water condition wiped out an Oscar, the discuss and two silver dollars and a small rainbow shark. Another Oscar since has some pitted holes (about the size of a cent coin) on the lower jaw, at first very pink. I normally do not suffer fish losses and the lot together is attributed. I did large water changes immediately afterwards followed twice after three days each (about 25/30%) and all seems well again.
    With regards the feeding, I have other Discuss as well which are fine and share the same food which I change from time to time , being blodworm and flakes (they don't eat the bits I try from time to time. I do change the feeding as I also have pilot catfish, Corry's and Deacons in the same tank. Where the two Silver Dollars were, I still have another 14, and trust that the two were the weakest.
    I live in Carletonville and anybody wishing to see some interesting fish may contact me.

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