Brand new fishy endeavor

Discussion in 'Beginner Discussions' started by Oldhatnewtune, Feb 13, 2019.

  1. Oldhatnewtune


    Feb 13, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Western Cape
    Hi there.

    My significant other and I have recently acquired a tank and are about to start on this exciting new journey. He has previously kept fish and therefore has plenty of knowledge on the topic and I personally considered myself a plant-lady. So in an attempt to combine our 2 loves we have decided to start a Vivarium build.

    Some information on the tank:
    - 1.2m x 50cm
    - 60cm height
    - we’re planning on using a sump filtration system


    So we’ve been doing some research and have been looking at some inspiration images and are set on creating something like the image below. We’ve watched some YouTube videos and are especially fond of the scapes created by SerpaDesign on YouTube.


    So with all of this in mind here are some questions:

    - Should the final tank / ecosystem be left open or have a closed lid?
    - Most people on YouTube/ Pinterest and Facebook groups use Egg Crate when constructing the land portion to raise it up. Where would we be able to get our hands on it or is there a suitable alternative?
    - What plants would you suggest for such a build? Please keep in mind that plants are the main draw card of this build and will be taking up most of the room with some water in the foreground
    - What Fish would be suitable for such an environment? We want to keep fish for esthetic reasons of course but also to benefit from the nutrients of the waste as this will be greatly appreciated by the plants.
    - Any suggestions on realistic DIY backgrounds to match the tropical plant vibes?
    - Any other tips and advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Many thanks,
    Bianca and Duncan
  2. Guest

  3. f-fish

    f-fish #unspecified

    Jun 27, 2009
    Likes Received:
    JHB - Randburg
    This is going to be great - tagging along.

    My inspiration for the e(im)mersed tank started with a trip to Borneo .. and yet I did not act on that itch till last year when I got back form a great hike to a tank disaster ...

    Today ...


    the story continues here

    To answer your questions.

    - Should the final tank / ecosystem be left open or have a closed lid?
    For my setup I like closed - creates a high humidity and the spray drops get moisture to all bits in the tank - almost like a rain forest.

    - Most people on YouTube/ Pinterest and Facebook groups use Egg Crate when constructing the land portion to raise it up. Where would we be able to get our hands on it or is there a suitable alternative?
    I used gravel that would form part of the filtration media since the tank is hugely overstocked with convicts.

    - What plants would you suggest for such a build? Please keep in mind that plants are the main draw card of this build and will be taking up most of the room with some water in the foreground
    Moss, buce, anubias, java fern, etc. very surprised at what worked and what did not with the heat buildup. ( you will need to look at the posted thread and make your own deductions, I might miss something if I try and recall it all)

    - What Fish would be suitable for such an environment? We want to keep fish for esthetic reasons of course but also to benefit from the nutrients of the waste as this will be greatly appreciated by the plants.
    Mine was a rescue - so convicts it was - do feel that smaller fish could work better.

    - Any suggestions on realistic DIY backgrounds to match the tropical plant vibes?
    Nope - just time to try things and let stuff grow in.

    - Any other tips and advice would be greatly appreciated.
    This needs less light than what you might think .... so you will need to experiment.

    Later Ferdie
    MariaS likes this.
  4. MariaS

    MariaS Retired Moderator

    Apr 23, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Klipriver, Midvaal
    Hi @Oldhatnewtune ,

    Welcome to you both to the forum

    Absolutely love your idea as I love @f-fish's one

    I don't have a lot of experience with this but, who I call 'the Master' of the planted world has already given you some advice

    Good luck and I will certainly be following this thread
  5. Reedfish

    Reedfish Moderator

    Aug 2, 2011
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    Hi, and welcome to the Forum

    Good luck with the project.
    @f-fish gives good advice - he is knowledgeable when it comes to this sort of set up
  6. Mister MP

    Mister MP

    Dec 14, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Hi and welcome to the forum. Nice to have you here.
    Good luck and keep us updated

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