bought a 2ft tank - Is this good enough for breeding angels?

Discussion in 'Breeding' started by miraclebabycaw, Oct 16, 2009.

  1. miraclebabycaw


    Oct 13, 2009
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    ok so now I am on day 5 since eggs laid. Wigglers have been wiggling around like crazy in their small tupperware, have separated a lot now and I keep changing the water daily and sucking out all the gunge with a turkey baster. About a 1/3 were swimming around like crazy this morning. If I stir them all up some swim around but most sink back down to the bottom by this afternoon. Is this normal or does it sound like I am going to lose them all?

    Anyway went to LFS and picked up a second hand 2ft tank specifically for growing out the babes. Also bought a double sponge filter, and some liqui fry. They had a small bottle of BBS but the woman in the shop kinda talked me out of getting them and to rather use the liquifry? Am thinking now that this might not have been a good idea? Will the liquifry be ok? So I have popped the filter into my 4ft tank for now, will clean the 2ft and put 1/2 water from my 4ft tank in there tonight and 1/2 dechlor water, put in the filter and airstone and thermometer. Does that sound ok? When can I pop the babies in? I thought I should keep them out for at least 3-4 days but not up on all this cycling etc and watever is needed for the fry? Some suggestions on how to handle it would be appreciated. My plan is to eventually use this as a spawning tank and possibly keep the parents in with the babes. I found about 30 wigglers still in my 4ft tank yesterday that mom was looking after still. She moved them off a leaf this morning all back onto the filter wall and it was cute to sit and watch her picking a stray one up and spitting it back out again onto the wall. This afternoon I looked and they are all gone, so now I dunno if she moved them again or they have all fallen down to the substrate or they have eaten them, although they are still protecting the general area but not as fiercly.

    Thanks for listening to my waffling
  2. Guest

  3. Reafer


    May 16, 2009
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    Port Elizabeth
    Hi miraclebabycaw
    I am in no way an expert in raising fry but seeing that its now the weekend alot off ppl wont really respond till monday so i will give u my 2cents worth , its better than nothing :)
    Isnt liquifry for livebeares? As far as i understand the fry need alot of protein rich food and liquifry is ok but not great for none live bearers. I would go back to that shop and get the BBS eggs and get them going . U also need to get the water stable , the fry wont be able to cope with major ammonia and NO3 spikes with will happen with a tank that isnt properly cycled . So while u are getting the BBS eggs get some Seachem stability. U dont need to feed the fry untill they are free swimming and u see there yolk sacks are gone. I know ppl that have given there fry egg yolk and milk solution but this fouls your water quickly. I hope this little bit of info helps . Put the sponge filter into your 4ft for tonight and half water from your 4ft. U got a heater in the 2ft?
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2009
  4. slayer


    Sep 2, 2009
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    Gauteng, Edenvale
    you get liquifry for egg layers as well. Read the thread by gareth. Called MY ANGELS will help u alot
  5. OP


    Oct 13, 2009
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    thanks guys. Ok this am they are all free swimming wooohoo so I have for now moved them into a 2.5L jar to give them a bit of space. There's about 50 or so I would say. Thanks slayer - I have read the post a couple of times.. will go back and recap.

    Here's a few pics if you can see them

  6. Gareth

    Gareth Angel Freak

    Aug 6, 2009
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    HI miraclebabycaw
    I think a 2ft tank will work great.... I have my Angels in a 2ft and they are doing great as you could see in my tread. I only feed BBS to the fry and it realy works great they are growing fast.... back to your tank the way I got my tank right was with buying a sponge filter rinsed it under the tap and put it into the tank were my angels were (250lt tank) left it for a half a day then I setup my 2ft tank and fulled it will the water from the other tank added the heater and the sponge filter the waited a while for every thing to settle the I added my Angels and about 5 or 6 days later there were the eggs.
    you should do a water change every day about 20% this help them grow faster and feed the BBs twice a day and you will have no problems. hope this helps

    O and Congrats on the fry looking good.
  7. OP


    Oct 13, 2009
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    thanks Gareth. Yours are doing great it looks like. I have a sponge filter and left that in my 4ft tank for a short while, filled 1/2 water from my 4ft tank and 1/2 new water. Waiting for that to cycle correctly now, doing water changes every 2nd day. I lost about 10 fry or so last night. They just don't seem to be eating? I can't see with the liquifry. I went and got bbs this am and am trying to grow that so I can hopefully give them by tomorrow night. If they don't survive I will definitely move my pair into the 2ft tank when it is cycled and go from there. It will probably be better for them to raise them themselves then the way I am doing it but at the moment it's a community tank and the wigglers just get eaten.

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