Are Kribs like Convicts?

Discussion in 'Breeding' started by f-fish, Oct 10, 2009.

  1. f-fish

    f-fish #unspecified

    Jun 27, 2009
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    JHB - Randburg
    In the past I had Convicts raising fry in my community tank - the first bunch was well protected and survived, that was till the second spawning was free swimming. At that point the parents turned on the first lot and killed them all. (Active hunting season). Lesson learned - 1) never let Convict spawn in a community tank - 2) always remove convict fry if you want them to survive.

    I have had a successful raising of Kribs in the community tank (convicts long removed) The first week I had a divider that cut the 4ft in two - after that it has been a free-for-all but most (if not all) of the fry have survived / thrived. Today I noticed that the female is back in the "spawning cave" and the male is starting to ignore the first bunch of fry.

    Q: So will the Kribs turn on the first bunch of fry like the convicts did? Should I remove the +6 week old fry if I want them to survive or can I leave them in the community tank for a while longer.

    Thx F

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