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Apistogramma Cacatuoide Males

Discussion in 'Livestock Classifieds' started by Big G, Mar 1, 2010.

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  1. Big G

    Big G Apisto Nutz!!!

    Oct 30, 2008
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    Cape Town
    Hi good folk!!

    As some of you will know, I lost my Male Caca Sunburst recently, and I'm looking to replace him!

    So, I'd like to know if anyone in the Cape Town region has any spare Male Cactuoides that they can part with?

    I'd be interested in pretty much any type, but preferance would go to 'Sunburst' or 'Tripple Red'.

    Thanks in advance, oh and if any one has any other Apistos available, please let me know??

    Big G!

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