Algea disappeared

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Reafer, Aug 30, 2009.

  1. Reafer


    May 16, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Port Elizabeth
    So I had an outbreak of Some sort of green hair alea like green bead algea or something like that , I have about 2.8w per gallon in a 80L were i had the problem with no CO2 and not much surface agrigation and dose Proff's drupples at normal rates . I thought the problem was dew to not enough CO2 dew to high light , i did a huge water change and scrubbed all the glass and rock and removed the plants and gave them a good clean. Once i was done and the tank was running again i noticed that the algea was attaching its self to everything again and the fuzz was comming back quickly but less so i thought i would have to do it a few times to get rid of it. That night i noticed when i went to cover the tank about 30 min after lights out that the fish in there were gasping near the surface for air so i quickly pulled out my airpump and started to add O2 which helped so i wasnt worried about the fish and covered the tank for the night . The next morning to my amazement ALL the algea was gone and the tank looked better than ever. So what i would like to know is why but just adding a airstone did it clear up SO quickly? i am happy its gone but would love to know why
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2009
  2. Guest

  3. Laure

    Laure Cyano Terminator

    Jan 20, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Port Elizabeth
    Refer to my thread I started here regarding ways to fight algae. I think many algae problems are caused by low flow in other words low O2 levels. Adding an airstone does not really add much O2, but it certainly helps to creating surface aggitation which in turn with improve gas exchange and as such higher concentration of O2 in the water.

    I am going to add this point to the list.
  4. OP


    May 16, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Port Elizabeth
    thx for the info :top:

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