Air stone & rocks

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Zoom, May 9, 2009.

  1. Zoom

    Zoom Retired Moderator

    Apr 13, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Jhb- Fourways
    Hi guys,

    I've set up my new tank last night with the silca sand. (Moving from gravel to sand), I've put in a fair amount of sand so that I can plant plants, and get a "landscaped" effect my creating hills ets.

    If I put the airstone too deep under the sand, the air seems to spread out under the sand and come up further away from where the stone is, which is a nice effect, BUT it makes the air pump sound like it's working hectic overtime.

    Where do you guys have your airstones placed in relation to the substrate? Should I get a bigger airpump?

    Secondly, does anyone know where I can get reasonably priced aquarium rocks in the Roodepoort area? Last place I bought was priced at R14.00 p/kg. (Dunno if that's normal or overcharged)... but I know I need a LOOOT more rocks for my tank!
  2. Guest

  3. Zafgak

    Zafgak Old fart

    Apr 8, 2009
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    Cape Town
    Hey Zoom - Take the road out to hartebeespoort from roodepoort (The one that goes past hillfox) about 2km past the cheesemouse the road takes a sharp right while going uphill. Just after the sharp right keep your eyes out on the left hand side of the road - There is sh*tloads of Pelindaba rock in the area.... If you get some keep about 500kg for me when I come up next week, Ill see if Onetime will let me take it home as hand baggage

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